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Lisa S. French
Pine Fir Wildlife

Festive fir season may come only once a year, but coniferous, as in cone-producing, pines are year-round favorites of the feathered and furry. Because pine trees retain their needle-shaped leaves in the fall, they provide birds and mammals with essential shelter for safe nesting as well as protection from predators and harsh weather. Pine needles, buds, shoots, and bark are also a valuable food source for forest residents large and small including bear, elk, deer, hare, beaver, and porcupine. And seeds from pine cones are nutritious, protein-packed fuel for a variety of birds such as woodpeckers, warblers, finches, and chickadees.

Large pines like the longleaf, which can grow to heights of 200 feet and live for over 300 years, are part of critical forest ecosystems that over 30 endangered species rely on for habitat, including the gopher tortoise and red-cockaded woodpecker. If you’d like to help expand and restore pine forests to benefit wildlife, you can give habitat this holiday season by supporting American Forests. Plus, planting trees is one of the most effective things you can do to help keep the planet cool for critters and humans alike. Oh, yeah!

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Whale Carols

If you’ve run through every single holiday tune on this list of 100, and you’re still looking for a little extra jingle, why not press play on some sea mammal melodies—the soul-stirring songs of the humpback whale. While both male and female humpbacks vocalize, it’s the male of the species that emits the louder, more complex, whistles, clicks, calls, and trills either solo or in pairs with other males. Researchers aren’t exactly certain why whales, which are the largest animals on earth, sing. Studies suggest that the musical sounds of varying frequency made by some types of baleen whales, including the humpback, minke, blue and bowhead, may be used to communicate, navigate, and locate food. Unlike some mammals, baleen whales don’t have vocal cords. Their awe-inspiring songs appear to be produced through folds of tissue in the larynx. If you are wondering about the average length of a humpback whale vocalization, these cetacean’s songs can range from six to thirty-five minutes.

We sing to communicate, to raise spirits, to show love and caring—to connect. If you listen closely it’s easy to believe that whales do too. However you find your holiday groove this season, we wish you a whale of a time.

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Pocket Birds

The next time you are roaming out in the American Southwest and you come across a sparrow-sized, cactus-dwelling owl and you are wondering, “Hey, what kind of tiny owl is that anyway?” you can download the Audubon bird guide app and find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the cutely compact elf owl and 800 other species of North American birds. Did we mention it’s free? Yep, it’s free! If you’d like to go book-deep with your elfin owl education, Owl by Paul Bannick explores the life cycle and habitats of the world’s smallest owl along with 18 other species of North American owls. 

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One Hump or Two?

Daily desert trekking requires careful preparation. You need the right equipment to manage the scorching heat and shifting sands of a Sahara or Gobi—sunscreen, shades, wide-brimmed hat, and maybe a pair of scorpion-proof shin guards. Unless you are a camel of course and have adapted over millions of years to a harsh desert climate in which case your professional grade, built-in gear makes traveling long distances across sizzling sands a day at the beach. These humped members of the camelid family are equipped with two toes on each foot connected to broad, thick foot pads which spread out and grip the sand as they walk, and tough knee pads which prevent sand burns when kneeling. Camels also have desert-friendly facial features to protect them from blowing sand including bushy eyebrows, two rows of long eyelashes, a handy third eyelid, and nostrils that can close against pesky flying particles.

Unfussy herbivores, camels have a very hard palate and thick, leathery mouth lining making them capable of consuming any old prickly plant they come across. And because plants and water sources are typically few and far between in the desert, camels have evolved to go long periods of time without eating or drinking. However, those famous humps are not filled with H2O, or camel chow for that matter, but stored fat which is metabolized for energy between feedings. Camels also have specially coated nasal passages which enable them to extract moisture from the air helping to prevent dehydration. When they do happen upon a watering hole, camels are champion drinkers, slurping up to 30 gallons in under 15 minutes.

Whether these excellent examples of environmental adaptation have one hump or two depends upon where you find them. The domesticated dromedary has one hump and is native to North Africa and the Middle East. The domesticated two-humped Bactrian camel can be found primarily in Central Asia. A third, critically endangered species, and the only wild camel left on earth, the two-humped wild Bactrian makes its home in the Gobi desert of Central Asia.  Any camels on your giving list?  May we suggest some desert-strength, leathery-lip balm to soothe cactus crunching ouchies.

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Bear Buffet

Before bears settle in for their very long winter’s nap, they need to make sure they have stored up enough fat to sustain them through an extended period of inactivity which can last anywhere from two to seven months, depending on den location. A bear preparing for the big snooze can eat for 20 hours straight and consume up to 20,000 calories worth of nuts, berries, insects, small mammals, and fish in one day. If you missed the live cams of fat-bear-week, you can see highlights from the 2018 all-you-can-eat-a-thon in Alaska’s Katmai National Park and Preserve.

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