By Jorie Graham
The earth said
remember me.
The earth said
don’t let go,
said it one day
when I was
listening, I
heard it, I felt it
like temperature,
all said in a
whisper – build to-
morrow, make right be-
fall, you are not
free, other scenes
are not taking
place, time is not filled,
time is not late, there is
a thing the emptiness
needs as you need
emptiness, it
shrinks from light again &
again, although all things
are present, a
fact a day a
bird that warps the
arithmetic of per-
fection with its
arc, passing again &
again in the evening
air, in the pre-
vailing wind, making no
mistake – yr in-
difference is yr
principal beauty
the mind says all the
time – I hear it – I
hear it every-
where. The earth
said remember
me. I am the
earth, it said. Re-
member me.
From Earth Prayers