One Trillion Trees
A Trillion Trees! A Trillion Trees!

1-minute read

Good news alert!

In the midst of converging global challenges-COVID-19, climate change, biodiversity loss, and economic upheaval, there is a light at the end of the tunnel—and it’s green!

Our planting partners at American Forests have teamed up with the World Economic Forum to launch the U.S. Chapter of The goal of the collaboration is to conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees by 2030, creating millions of jobs to help ensure equitable environmental progress towards a green recovery.

This hopeful news for people and the planet also means cleaner air and water, more action on climate change, greater tree equity for our cities, and expanded habitat for the wild ones. What’s not to like?

American Forests and 26 diverse organizations have collectively pledged 855 million trees so far, as well as investments in mapping technologies and carbon finance. Planted across the United States from sea to shining sea, those 855 million trees will store more than 500 million tons of carbon dioxide. In case you’re wondering, that’s equal to the annual emissions from 108 million cars. Bring on the lovely, leafy sky vacuums.

FWP is delighted to contribute to this big tree-planting effort in our small press way, and if you’re feeling it, you can help too. Every time you buy a print or e-book from the Frankie and Peaches: Tales of Total Kindness series, we’ll thank you very much by planting one wildlands tree. If you’d really like to dig in and participate in the global greening movement, you can volunteer and share ideas through the digital platform UpLink. We’re all in. Hope to see you there!