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Lisa S. French
Angel Oak tree, Johns Island, South Carolina
Tree of the Year

It’s tree award season! Nature lovers across Europe are currently casting their votes at Tree of the Year.org for the lovely, leafy presence with the most interesting story. You can find out which sculptural marvel, soothing spot of shade or safe haven for songbirds wins the title of top tree on March 19. The Tree of the Year contest is sponsored by The Environmental Partnership Association which supports community-based projects working to protect the environment and build support and capacity in local communities. The contest was created to encourage people to get involved in local environmental protection and to promote old growth trees as integral to cultural and natural heritage. Tree of the Year is aiming to go global so you may soon have the opportunity to nominate and vote for a marvelous maple, perfect pine or beautiful birch in your community. In the meantime, you can help create more carbon-storing candidates in the U.S. by planting a tree with Frankie and Peaches.

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Leave it to Beavers

When it comes to naturally efficient ecosystem engineering, leave it to beavers. The largest rodents in North America, growing up to four feet long and weighing up to sixty pounds, these primarily nocturnal, web-footed, paddle-tailed dam builders help create the critical wetland habitats that 85% of all North American wildlife depend on for survival. When a beaver gets down to buck-toothed business, it can cut down as many as 200 softwood trees a year for food and dam building. It takes about five minutes for a beaver to chomp through the trunk of an 8-foot tree and about a week to build a 35-foot dam. These water barriers form ponds that protect the beaver colony from predators and provide underwater access to the family lodge, a dry, cozy den where males and females rest, nest and raise baby beavers, known as kits. Beaver-built ponds help to increase biodiversity by providing pooled water, plant life and shelter that attracts and supports creatures great and small including frogs, salmon, trout, ducks, heron, deer, and elk.

Beaver ponds also protect against a parched planet by trapping carbon, capturing rainfall and storing groundwater. Ranging in size from small woody clumps to 2,800-foot long mega-barriers, beaver dams contribute to water purification by filtering silt and pollution and capturing run-off from fertilizers. By transforming the landscape with their stick, stone and mud constructions these remarkable, semiaquatic ecosystem engineers create environmental benefits for wildlife, people and planet. Busy beavers indeed!

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Sky Vacuums

Because trees convert carbon dioxide into food for growth, they are one of the planet’s most naturally efficient ways to store carbon. One tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year and sequester one ton of carbon by the time it reaches 40 years old. Trees actually get better at storing carbon with age. Old-growth forests, which have developed for at least 120 years without disturbance, contain over 300 billion tons of carbon. That’s 600 trillion pounds of CO2 not floating around sneakily warming the atmosphere! You can help us plant more handy, leafy sky vacuums by joining the FWP Frankie and Peaches Kindness Crew.

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