Wild & Wondrous FWP Logo Favorite World Press You buy a book. We plant a tree.

The FWP weekly digest of wondrous wildlife happenings
and other interesting items from the natural world

Creatures to meet | Things to learn
Things to do

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Lisa S. French
Here’s to Our Readers

As the sun sets on another year, we have two important announcements:

1. We love our readers!

Because when you support Favorite World Press, you’re not just readers, you’re tree planters.

For every book we sell, we plant a tree—a native tree that will help cool Earth, provide food and shelter for wildlife, purify air and water and support local communities.

In 2022, we put down roots in 11 countries; that’s a pretty good year!

By reading with us, you’ve made an investment in the future health of our planet. Thank you for being a force for positive change.

2. We are so grateful!

From our favorite world to yours, wishing you a hopeful heart and a happy New Year.

xo LSF   •   WW   •   FWP

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Let’s Talk Turkey

A single act of kindness throws roots out in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

Amelia Earhart

In this season of giving and gratitude, we’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our readers. With your kind support of our small business, you help plant trees that provide life-sustaining resources for environmentally vulnerable communities, food and places to perch for wildlife, and clean air and water for everyone.

We couldn’t do it without you. Truly.

Wishing you a peaceful Thanksgiving.

with love,


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Time for Tree-mendous Thanks

Whoa—the year is flying by at warp speed. Before more time slips away, we want to take a pause for appreciation and communicate our heartfelt thanks to our readers for hanging with us.

We are so grateful to you for visiting our corner of the internet and helping us to turn hope into action for a better world.

We thank you. Frankie and Peaches thank you. And all of the people and creatures that benefit from the trees that we plant with your support thank you.

The fact is, you’re tree-mendous!

Wishing you awesome August adventures. Wherever you take yourself, may the breeze be with you.

xo Favorite World Press

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Adult polar bear walking away over a flat snow covered landscape
Looking back, moving forward

I am a book of snow,
a spacious hand,
an open meadow,
a circle that waits,
I belong to the earth
and its winter.

Pablo Neruda

As the peaks and valleys of 2021 recede in the rear-view mirror, we’d like to express our absolute appreciation to our dear readers for making room for Wild & Wondrous in the space in between. Whether you’re a regular visitor or just passing through on your internet travels, we’re glad to have you with us as we explore the wonders of the natural world.

With your support of the Favorite World Press read-and-plant partnership, you’ve helped create a more sustainable future by empowering us to plant trees that nurture our planet. Trees that turn down the heat, purify air and water and provide habitat for our furry and feathered friends. Well done, and thanks very much, tree people!

In 2022, we’ll be focusing more of our efforts on a new sustainable development project also aimed at protecting and preserving the world’s remaining forests and biodiversity.

Wild & Wondrous will be back with more creatures to meet, things to learn, and things to do. Until we meet again, wishing you a healthy, happy, light-filled New Year, chock-full of leaps from peak to peak.

xo Favorite World Press

The W & W

Year in Rear-View

Networking giraffes,
your fair share of trees,
a snowy owl in the city,
plastic-free seas

Moths that jam sonar,
a blue bird that trills,
leafy seadragons
flaunting their frills

The rarest of rhinos,
chimps that have heart,
the plight of the manatee,
urban bird art

Tree-planting readers
putting down roots,
wild African horses
in bug-zapping suits

Big bison feelings,
a yard habitat,
the return of cicadas,
an award-winning bat

Night lights for lions,
blinking bug love,
bird feeder smack-downs
won by a dove

A headcount for walrus,
disease-busting bees,
traveling wildebeest,
fish that don’t freeze

A shout-out for science,
the songs of the Earth,
a month celebrating
what the planet is worth

Running for wildlife,
how whales keep us cool,
movie star bees,
why brainy girls rule

A hairy-nosed wombat,
the last bird of its kind,
a plan to save forests
to restore peace of mind

A remembrance of sorrow,
the pure magic of snow,
hope for our oceans,
a sea creature’s glow

The prettiest pictures,
lunar fox feet,
reducing emissions
to turn down the heat

Bringing back monarchs,
green roofs for birds,
a big meeting in Scotland
where they said lots of words

A built-in eye compass,
how mollusks got clever,
and gratitude for our readers
that goes on forever.

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Mama bear and cubs
Giving Thanks for the Planet Appreciators

In this season of giving, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our tree-planting readers.

Every single tree that we plant with your support is the start of a forest. A forest that will help to clean the air, cool the planet, purify water, and provide food and shelter for wildlife.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring. You are so welcome here!

Wishing You

a Beary

Happy Thanksgiving!

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COP26: Yes is this present sun

Dear Earth,

When many individual good things coalesce to create one great good thing, keeping you healthy and functioning, that’s a true and necessary thing.

Thinking of you during one of the most extraordinarily challenging times in your life history—ever hopeful for the recognition of the transformational power of many good things.

With love and gratitude for all that you do,

LSF   •   WW   •   FWP

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future world depends.
No was the night. Yes is this present sun.

Wallace Stevens


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Owl in tree trunk
2020 Year in Review

As this downside-up, outside-in year draws to a close, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dear readers, who made time to make room for nature at Weekly Wondrous. Whether you’re far or whether you’re near, we want you to know we’re so glad that you’re here!

The WW Year in Review

Bionic corals,
one trillion new trees,
shiny, cloud parasols,
resilient, smart bees

Precious koalas,
zen jellyfish,
Earth Day at 50,
and our planet’s last wish

The flower power of pigment,
New Guinea’s last singing dog,
a weirdly wonderful bird
with a mouth like a frog

Boogying monkeys,
bickering bats,
and the laser-sharp focus
of the eyes of big cats

Imported beavers,
cool hummingbirds,
a poet named Walser
who had the best words

Two baby whales’
happy, hopeful debut,
shy, stripey okapis
hidden from view

A mini-marsupial’s
Indigenous name,
the Tree of the Year’s
leafy, green fame

Hard-working scientists
in need of big hugs,
tool-using tamarins
skilled at harvesting bugs

Bringing back nature
to make cities sweet,
cooling the planet
with hoofed reindeer feet

Matching red pandas,
an owl all alone,
copycat dolphins,
and a tree-planting drone

A green, flightless parrot
that won the top prize,
a whale of a shark
with teeth on its eyes

Protecting the pollinators
to help flowers bloom,
saving the elephants
by carving out room

An urban sky garden,
robotic bees,
how nature heals sadness,
making music with trees

Keeping tabs on sea turtles,
the floral language of love,
miniature sky labs
tending whales from above

An egg-laying mammal
with an eerie blue glow,
and a fat city cat,
stalking mice in the snow

And that’s that!

From our Favorite World to yours, best wishes for an all-around kinder, gentler, seriously more splendid 2021!

LSF   •   WW   •   FWP

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Plant a sapling
Tree-mendous Gratitude

At Favorite World Press, we’re incredibly grateful for your continued support of our mission throughout this extraordinarily challenging year. You’re not just dedicated readers. You’re forward-thinking tree planters!

For every print or electronic book that you’ve purchased from the Tales of Total Kindness Series, there is a brand-new tree taking root that you’ve helped to plant with our partner, American Forests.

You made one more spot on our precious planet a little greener, cooler, and healthier, for people and wildlife, for generations to come:

You cleaned our air:
Trees absorb 17.4 million tons of air pollutants in the U.S., preventing 670,000 cases of asthma and acute respiratory symptoms annually.

You helped capture carbon:
Over its lifetime, one tree captures carbon emissions equivalent to driving a car 1,500 miles.

You kept it cool:
Trees reduce surrounding air temperatures by 9 degrees Fahrenheit and by 20 to 45 degrees under their canopy.

You helped restore forest habitats:
Forests provide food and shelter for eight out of ten land animals.

Wow, you’ve been busy! And you did all that without leaving your seat!

Thank you for reading. Thank you for planting. Thank you for caring.

Wishing you a safe and peaceful holiday.

With tree-mendous gratitude,


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Reindeer in snow
Dear Readers

We’ve had a tree-rific year at Favorite World Press! With your enthusiastic support of our first series release, Frankie and Peaches: Tales of Total Kindness, we’ve planted thousands of trees alongside our dedicated conservation partners at American Forests. By helping us help them, you have made a hopeful investment in a kinder, greener future, for people, for wildlife, and for the planet—and that’s a truly wonderful thing.

We are incredibly grateful that you share our Favorite World vision. Without you, there is no us—so thank you very much for existing! Please keep doing that!

And now dear readers without further ado:

Weekly Wondrous Year in Review

A caroling whale,
some traveling trees,
the busiest beavers,
and most hard-working bees

Squirrels with a strategy,
lemurs that leap,
eels that electrify
and swim in the deep

A fish-chomping grizzly,
some tadpoles that snore,
gardening tapirs,
and flamingos galore

Matching giraffes,
Earth’s favorite Day,
baby turtles that hatched
in Far Rockaway bay

A night pollinator
that works in the dark,
happier humans
because they’ve got park

Recycled birds,
an award-winning tree,
kelp-keeping otters,
more space to roam free

A ground-dwelling parrot,
one rhino, then two,
a bird that builds bowers
in bright shades of blue

African elephants
evolving tusk-free,
Eurasian antelopes
that just want to be

A mini-marsupial,
a fussed-over frog,
proud papa penguins
protecting their sprog

Good news for gorillas,
an Airbee-n-bee,
the most purr-fect postage,
a bird app that’s free

A pine-loving bear cub
eating cones by the bunch,
a leather-lipped camel
chewing cactus for lunch

Shy, scaly pangolins
that sleep in the day,
hard-working scientists
with something to say

A yellow-eyed hoiho
that lives near the sea,
some animal farmers,
and Brazil’s tallest tree

Lovers of nature,
fine people like you,
who make room in their hearts
for Earth’s beautiful view

That’s all folks!

We’ll be back in 2020 with more books, more trees and more featured creatures.

From our Favorite World to yours, however you celebrate, wishing you an absolute abundance of holiday cheer!


LSF   •   WW   •   FWP

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