Since Thanksgiving is just one short day away, we decided to get a head start on the list of splendid people and things to be grateful for here at Favorite World Press: our tree-planting readers, our tree-planting partners, our creative conjurors, our unwavering supporters, and the forthcoming T-Day pie!
At Weekly Wondrous, we are especially thankful for those whose hard work helps fuel our mission—the researchers, the problem solvers—the scientists. Here’s to you:
WW Ode to Scientists
The unrelenting analysts,
the cogitating theorists,
the research fiends, the paper writers,
the curious ones, the bias fighters,
the double-checking data sharers,
the honest information bearers,
the conclusion-drawing recommenders,
the nothing-but-the-truth defenders,
the nature-loving planet keepers,
the make-it-better never sleepers,
the ones who question as a rule,
the scientists—the supercool!
With unbounded gratitude for all that you do.